Handmade Paper Lamp ( Kalimpong Arts )
The craft of paper making is an ancient tradition of the Himalayan region. This handmade paper is made from the bark of indigenous deciduous shrub called Angelee (Species of Daphne) which grows at an elevation of 2000 to 3000 meters. A careful harvesting and plantation mean more yield in the future without endangering the fragile ecosystem. The handmade papers are still produced by the ancient technique using wooden receptacles, digester, boards and other traditional tools and very little machines. A special bamboo made screen is used to form paper sheets. The paper is prized for its rough texture, durability and resistance to insects. The project is under small scale industry.
We at Healing Hills are helping to promote and support the small scale industries, to grow and get recognized for their talents. Any handcraft purchased benefits them keeping the centuries old tradition alive.