ourced from passionate BeeKeepers in the Terai region of Uttarakhand who employ holistic, environmentally conscious methods and treat the bees as a part of their family.
Mustard Honey is a Monofloral (Single Origin) Honey and the bees swim in an ocean of Mustard farms all around them, farms that are carefully selected, for chemical-free practices in regions that are far away from urban areas and extensive commercial farming. This honey naturally crystallizes due to its high glucose ratio and high enzymes & pollen count. This further proves that its not processed and is of high quality . It is purely raw, unprocessed, unheated & unpasteurized keeping all its benefecial enzyme intact. No additives/ antibiotics have been given to bees. It contains all naturally occurring vitamins A, B – complex, C,D,E & K, a whole lot of minerals, amino acids & live enzymes.
Availability:Out of stock
Availability:Out of stock

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